Our Pastor


Paul Solomon is founding and senior pastor of Anchor Church in South Florida.  Since it began in 2016, Anchor Church has been a church, Anchored in Christ, that is on the go to do our part in the Great Commission of God and bringing Life to South Florida!

Paul has a deep passion for developing leaders and helping people come to a greater understanding and knowledge of who the Father is.  In the fall of 2011, Paul went into full-time ministry with his wife and founded Philippians 4:13 Ministries.  In the summer of 2012, Paul packed everything and moved to the great country of Brazil, as missionaries.  They worked with Light to the Nations in Rio de Janeiro.  Paul was the media director and Kezia was the children’s ministry director.  One year later, the family made the transition to Kezia’s home city of Santarem.  Right in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest.  They immediately started working with churches along the Amazon River, helping them develop their leaders and forming a strong leadership team to support the pastor.  Alongside that, Paul and Kezia partnered with a local Brazilian Assembly of God church and started working with them to develop their small group ministry and its leaders.  Showing them how to reach their community for the love of the Father and building a foundation for a great small group ministry that helps the growth and development of the church.  After two years of doing the Fathers work they felt the call to pack everything up once again and make the move back to the States, South Florida, to launch a church, Anchor Church.  Paul’s heart and passion is to see people come to know the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and help them to grow into mighty warriors for the Kingdom of God.  His heart is to see Anchor Church be the hands and feet of Jesus while being the voice in the darkness, spreading the Good News to all that will listen.

Paul and his wife Kezia have three children and live in Pompano Beach, Florida, where Anchor Church began.